Love & Compassion: Reflecting the heart of our God who is both just and merciful, we dedicate ourselves to build a city of refuge - a safe haven - an oasis of biblical love in a hurting world.
Healing & Deliverance: In a generation scarred by broken vows and forgotten promises, we covenant ourselves to create a place and become a people in which the broken hearted find healing and the captive find deliverance.
Godly Character & Integrity: We shall always endeavor to operate in conformance with the biblical principles of godliness, conducting our affairs in a manner that is blameless and above reproach.
Individual Destiny: Believing the life of every person born to woman is a designed gift from God, we commit ourselves to work toward the release of all into their Creator's image and purpose.
Growth & Expansion: In the spirit of selflessness we shall plant & strengthen the local Church and communicate the gospel to a lost society.
Influencing Society: We recognize all arenas of society, such as Media, Arts & Entertainment, Education, Commerce, and Government, as rightfully belonging to God and we aim to influence and occupy such areas to His glory.
Our local expression of the body of Christ is modeled after the values of the New Testament church. As members of His church, we, by the grace of God, endeavor to: